Photographs nature, jazz, fashion and products.
uit 1963 tot 2024
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Fairy Inkcap
2024Fairy Inkcap

2024Dutch scenery

Shooting Rainbows
2018Water gun on a hot summer day shooting rainbows

Antigua street
2016A quiet street in Antigua, Guatemala

Birds Rio Dulce
2016On the way from Rio Dulce to Livingston Guatemala

Curious child
2016Chichicastenango Guatemala market

Girl in canoe on Rio Dulce
2016On Rio Dulce Guatemala, a girl in canoe

Girl on Rio Dulce
2016From Rio Dulce to Livingston Guatemala

Guatemalian girl
2016Little Guatemalian girl

Island Lake Atitlan
2016Island Lake Atitlan Guatemala

2016Koh Rong, Cambodia

Laundry day
2016Rio Dulce Guatemala, women doing laundry

Man in blue shirt
2016Antigua Guatemala, man near market

Man in Santiago Atitlan
2016A man in traditional clothes, Santiago Atitlan

Man playing flute
2016Guatamalian man playing flute

Old rural woman
2016Guatemala, old woman in rural area

2016Polder late afternoon

Remains of pier
2016Remains of pier in Guatemala

Rusty post
2016Remainder of a pier in Guatemala

Semuc Champey
2016Semuc Champey Guatemala

Shoe polisher
2016In Antigua Guatemala a policeman having his shoes polished

Stacked fabrics
2016Stacked fabrics at Antigua market

Street vendor
2016Woman selling fruit

Woman breastfeeding
2016A woman in Antigua breastfeeding while selling bracelets etc

Woman selling jewelry
2016Guatemala, woman selling jewelry

Woman with Xkap
2016Santiago Atitlan, woman with Xkap. A traditional headband about 10 meters long

Wooden Skelets
2016Skeleton puppets in Guatelama

Diving Thailand
2014Boat tour and diving

2008Cactus on the edge

Aquatic plants
2006Aquatic plants underwater surface

Drunense duinen
2005The dunes near Drunen

Dunes near Drunen
2005Dunes near Drunen

Ceiba tree Tikal
2000Ceiba tree in Tikal, Guatemala. Also known as the Mayan tree of life

1990Presqu'ile Ontario Canada

Sesame Street
1989This photograph of Ernie, Bert and Big Bird is from an 8x5 inch transpareny shot in the studio in 1989. Great image on the wall of a kids room.

Big Boot
1984San Antonio Texas

Cactus flowers
1984Grand Canyon desert

City of Rocks
1984New Mexico City of Rocks

Cowboy on rock
1984Big Bend Texas

Cypress trees
1984Wilmington North Carolina

1984Cactus in desert

Desert rocks

Merrick butte
1984Monument Valley Utah

Merrick butte view
1984Monument Valley Utah

Monument Valley Utah
1984Monument Valley

Navajo settlement
1984Monment Valley Navajo settlement

Painted Desert
1984Painted Desert Arizona

Playful shadows
1984Brackettville Texas

Prickly Pear
1984Tucson Arizona

1984Louisiana Cypress trees

Rocks in desert

Seminole Canyon
1984Seminole Canyon Texas

USA today
1984New Orleans

Star Wars
1982This photograph is from a 11x14 inch transparency I shot in the studio in 1982. Will look good in a childrens play or rec room for example.

Carla Bley
1966Carla Bley Vara Studio 1966 with Michiel de Ruyter

Eric Dolphy, Last Date
1964Eric Dolphy at Vara Studio in Hilversum on June 2 1964 recording "Last Date", 27 days before he died..

John Coltrane Amsterdam 1963
1963John Coltrane Amsterdam Concertgebouw 1963

Bird tree
2014Bird tree in Cambodia

Nature smile
2014Shell smile on beach

Posts in water
2014Posts in water

2014Cambodia Koh Rong


2013Port-au-Prince, Haiti

2013Summer, fowers near beach

Dock in fall
2012Dock in river Haringvliet

After the rain....
2011Garderen, Holland. After the rain...

1989Presqu'ile Bay Ontario

From here....
1988Presqu'ile dock

Log on beach


Art Deco Curaçao
1976Curaçao, Willemstad

One way or the other
1969New York City

Birth of corn
2012Corn in field

Beach umbrella
2011Marbella beach, Spain

Beach umbrellas
2011Marbella beach, Spain

Door knocker
2011Marbella, Spain

Exclamation marks
2011Marbella, Spain

2011Near Puerto Banus, Spain

Sign at beach
2011Marbella beach, Spain

2011Marbella Spain

Marbella sunrise
2011Sunrise in Marbella, Spain

2011Marbella beach, Spain

Rocks in sand
2011Marbella beach, Spain

Rocks on beach
2011Marbella beach

Hole Brick
2011Marbella, Spain

2011Marbella, Spain

2008Aridondack chairs

Great Egret
2008Everglades Florida

Teens in motion
2008Curaçao teens

1990Person in fog. This image portrays the feeling of Alzheimer.

Las Vegas Nevada

Las Vegas Nevada
1984Easy Money

Miami Beach
2008Sunrise Miami Beach.

Miami Beach
2008Bulldog on skate board

Monument Valley Utah
1984Mitten Monument Valley

Monument Valley Utah
1984Three Sisters Monument Valley

Monument Valley Utah
2011Rocks Monument Valley

Monument Valley Utah
1984Sand formation Monument Valley

Monument Valley Utah
1984Totem Pole Monument Valley

Monument Valley Utah
1984Three Sisters Monument Valley

Monument Valley Utah
1984Monument Valley overall view

Petrified Forest Arizona
1984Petrified tree stumps

Petrified Forest Arizona
1984Tree stumps

Roosevelt Dam Arizona
1984View from top of dam

Let the sun shine in
1975Canada. Old abandoned farm house.

Antique dolls
1974Antique dolls. Canada.

Travelling Care Bears
1984Care Bears White Sands New Mexico

New York City
1968New York City street scene

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Street mirror

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Boy on doorstep

Willemstad Curaçao
2008Two girls on doorstep.

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Little girl in window

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008House with wall panting, illusion

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008For Sale Wall painting

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Dancing couple. Wall painting

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Wall painting

Willemstad Curaçao
2008Man on doorstep

Willemstad Curaçao
2008Addicts in front of shelter

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Men playing domino

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Willemstad Curaçao, pretty girls

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Man at market Willemstad

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Willemstad, row housing

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Blue house and car

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Ocean view (1)

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Colorful walls

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Uitzicht op oceaan (2)

Willemstad, Curaçao
2008Alley to ocean

Guatemala, Antigua
20003 Sisters

Guatemala, Antigua
2000Semana Santa procession

Guatemala, Antigua
2000Man with bird cage

Guatemala, Antigua
2000Wavy wall

Guatemala, Chichicastenango
2000Indoor market, woman with baby

Guatemala, Chichicastenango
2000Women resting in stairwell of indoor market

Guatemala, Chichicastenango
2000Old man, joyful eyes

Guatemala, Chichicastenango
2000Woman Chichicastenango

Guatemala, San Pedro
20002 boys Guatemala

Guatemala, Santiago Atitlan
2000Women on sidewalk

Tikal, Guatemala
2000Women on steps Temple of the Masks

Tikal, Guatemala
2000Vulture in front of Tempel The Jaguar (1)

Tikal, Guatemala
2000Vulture in front of Tempel The Jaguar (2)

Tikal, Guatemala
2000Tikal. Pizote on Tempel step

Tikal, Guatemala
2000Pizote in front of Tempel The Jaguar

New green
1990Presqu´ile Canada

Winter scene beach
1990Presqu´ile Beach Canada

Sunrise railroad
1990Brighton Canada. Sunrise over railroad.

Ice formation
1989Winter Presqu'ile Canada

Drifting ice
2012Presqu'ile Provincial Park. Lake Ontario shore.

1989Presqu´ile Canada. Winter

Rock in bay (1)
1988Canada. Twilight Presqu´ile Bay

Rocks on winter beach
1990Presqu'ile Ontario beach in winter

Rock in bay (2)
1989Presqu´ile Canada

Rock in bay (3)
1989Presqu´ile Canada

Rock in bay (4)
1990Presqu´ile Canada

Rock in bay (5)
1990Canada Presqu'ile

1990Canada, Presqu'ile

Winter Canada
1989Presqu'ile. Boom bedekt met ijs.

Snowy trees
1988Presqu´ile Canada

Flower in ice
1988Winter, Presqu'ile Canada

Dry leaf in ice
1988Winter, Presqu'ile Canada

Bud in ice
1988Winter, Presqu'ile Canada

Ferns in love
1988Presqu´ile Canada.

Red Trillium
1988Presqu'ile Canada. Red Trillium.

Blue Jay
1987Winter Presqu´ile Canada.

1987Canada, Presqu'ile. Grasshopper

1971Tunesia. Parende Zebravlinders

Presqu'ile Boardwalk
1986Presqu'ile Provincial Park Canada. Boardwalk.

1978Girl with Baby Doc T-shirt

1978People on truck to market.

1978Port au Prince. Girl selling fabrics

1978Golden smile

1978Port au Prince, girl on street

1978Old man carrying baskets

1978School kids, near Port au Prince

1978Woman carrying bag

1981Canada. Model Sook as photographer

1980Canada. Sook, Chinese red.

1979Canada. Jane Fellowes in lingerie on park bench.

1980Canada. Josi modelling skirt.

1980Canada. Josi attractive smile.

1979Canada. Josi with derby

1990Canada. Colleen like Tess in movie

Susan, model
1982Model Susan with voile. Toronto Canada.

Model with paint palette
1980Toronto Canada. Model made-up

African Beauties
1975Canada. African fashion by Ola Skanks

Suze, model
1965Model Suze. Hair like sunbeams

1966Model Suze. Fashion shoot in woods

Evelyn Newell
1973Evelyn with summery top. Canada.

Evelyn Newell
1974Model Evelyn Newell. Canada

1971Model Blanche and Mel photographed with vasline smeard filter. Canada.

1972The Bald and Beautiful. Canada

1972Model Blanche. Canada

1972Canada. Blanche at Scarborough College

1971Canada. Blanche with wood carving, solarized

1971Gafsa. Straatbeeld

1971Mannen kijken naar voorbijgaande vrouw in de buurt van Douz.

1971Bedrijvigheid in dorp.

1971Kairouan. Straatbeeld.

2012Kyteman North Sea Jazz 2011

2012Kyteman North Sea Jazz 2011

Anne Harris
2012Anne Harris North Sea Jazz 2011

Anne Harris and Otis Taylor
2012Anne Harris and Otis Taylor North Sea Jazz 2011

Hans Dulfer
2012Hans Dulfer North Sea Jazz 2011

Hans Dulfer
2012Hans Dulfer North Sea Jazz 2011

Sabrina Starke
2012Sabrina Starke North Sea Jazz 2011

Janne Schra
2012Janne Schra North Sea Jazz 2011

John Coltrane at the piano
2012Dressing room Concertgebouw Amsterdam

Johnny Griffin
1963Johnny Griffin in spiegel Jazz Club B14 Rotterdam

Johnny Griffin
1963Johnny Griffin met Pim Jacobs, Ruud Jacobs en Wim Overgauw in Jazz Club B14 Rotterdam.

Johnny Griffin
1965Johnny Griffin in Jazz Club B14 Rotterdam.

Canonball Adderley
1966Cannonball Adderley with Pim Jacobs and Wim Overgauw, AVRO Recording Studio

Wes Montgomery
1965Wes Montgomery VPRO TV studio Bussum

Kenny Drew
1963Kenny Drew in jazz club B14 Rotterdam 1963

Eric Dolphy
1964Eric Dolphy in Jazz Club B14 Rotterdam

Rita Reys
1963Rita Reys Jazz Club B14 Rotterdam

Eric Dolphy
1964Eric Dolphy Jazz Club B14 Rotterdam